This website is dedicated to the memory of the Old Boys of William Hulme's Grammar School,
Manchester, who served in the two World Wars.
The title picture is a view of the School during the First World War. Only the Old and New
Halls had been built at that time, the former, on the left of the photograph, built in 1887 and the
latter on the right officially opened on May 11th 1911. The School was then known as "The
Hulme Grammar School" and surrounded by fields. The New Hall was extended to its present
size in 1927.
The First and Second World War Memorials are located on the wall opposite the doors of the
New Hall in direct view of each and every pupil filing out after morning assembly. I remember
seeing them every day, but the two world wars were ancient history to a teenager and the
names also, part of a long gone distant age, that was somehow irrelevant to the present day.
But all those names were once boys at school doing the same things that I did, walking
through those same gates, learning in those same classrooms, playing lacrosse and cricket on those same playing fields and in later cases filing out after morning assembly from that same New Hall to classes in the Old Hall.
The main aim of this website is to personalise the names, to portray their life at School and
beyond, to remember them as more than just names on a memorial.
The site is very much a Work in Progress and further information will be added as it is gathered.
If any visitor to the site can assist with information, documents or photographs I would be
extremely grateful, my details are on the "Contact Us " page.
Keith Robson
WHGS 1962 - 1970