8 June 1886 - 20 September 1917
At School 1897 - 1902
Number 724
Capt 8th Lancashire Fusiliers attd 2/5 Lancashire Fusiliers

Captain ALAN MUDIE, Lancashire Fusiliers, killed in action on September 20, was a member of the Mudie family, librarians of London and Manchester. He was at School from 1897 to 1902, and afterwards was engaged with his father at the Library in Manchester, for several years. During this period he was an active member of several amateur dramatic societies. At one time and another he acted about sixty parts before he joined the theatrical profession about eight years ago.

After spending about one year in London he was invited to go to the United States, and had a very successful professional career there. On the outbreak of war he returned home to join the Army.
He joined an O T C in the spring of 1915, and went to the front in October, 1916. Captain Mudie was a great friend of the late Stanley Houghton, and
two days before his death he accidentally discovered that a cousin of Stanley Houghton was a member of his command. Captain Mudie at once appointed him to be his runner. This was on September 18. Two days later Captain Mudie was killed in the advance. He had spent a night in shell-holes in advance of the German lines that had been captured, and early in the advance was known to be wounded. He was buried by his own men where he fell – on ground that had been taken from the enemy.