29 April 1885 - 11 April 1918
At School 1895 - 1901
2nd Lieut 12th York & Lancaster Regt
Leonard was born in Bolton, near Manchester, but by 1891 had moved to 17 Monton Street, Moss Side, with father Richard, an Excise Officer with the Inland Revenue, mother Mary, elder sister Sarah and elder brothers James and Richard and a domestic servant. All three boys attended School. By 1901 the family had moved to 5 Mitford Street, Withington, Leonard was in his last year at School, James was working as an insurance agent and Richard was an articled clerk in a solicitors' office. In 1911 the family was living at Thornfield, 7 Mitford Road, Withington and Leonard was working as a bank clerk, having joined the Manchester and County Bank in January 1902.

Second Lieutenant L DICKINSON, York and Lancaster Regiment, whose death in action on April 11th was briefly noticed in our April number, was at School from September, 1895, to July, 1901. His major wrote as follows: “Although he had only been with the Battalion a very short time, he quickly won the respect and esteem of his brother officers and the men under him. He died whilst his battalion was holding up the enemy during the recent fighting. It was his fine example and courage which inspired his men, who thereby gave a very fine account of themselves. The battalion has lost a very fine officer.” Before entering the Army he was in the Manchester and District County Bank, where he was deservedly popular. His elder brother, Bombardier J T Dickinson, R G A, was killed in action in 1917, and his younger brother, Richard, is in the Yeomanry.