24 July 1884 - 24 September 1917
At School 1897 - 1899
Pte 68686 59th Machine Gun Corps
Hubert was born in Moss Side, Manchester and in 1891 aged 7 was living at 23 Stockton Street,
Moss Side with father Joseph, a warehouseman, mother Christina and six brothers and sisters. In
1901 Joseph was working as a salesman in the silks industry and Hubert was employed as an
insurance clerk. In 1910 Hubert married Elizabeth Terrett and set up home at 59 Crosscliffe
Street, Moss Side. On 19 November 1910, daughter Winnie was born followed by son Joseph on
21 February 1912. In 1911 Hubert was working as an assistant storekeeper for an Electrical
Engineering company. Hubert's service records survive and show he enisted in Manchester on
5 June 1916. On 15 August 1916 his medical
described him as 5 ft 7ins tall, weighing 144
lbs with a pale complexion, fair hair and blue
eyes. He had slight varicose veins in his left
leg. He was mobilised on 14 September and
posted to the 7th Bn Kings Liverpool
Regiment. On 28 November he was
transferred to the Machine Gun Corps and
sent to Clipstone Camp, near Mansfield, for
training. On 4 March 1917 Hubert embarked at
Folkestone for the Western front, arriving in
Boulogne the same day. He arrived at the MGC

base in Camiers on 5 March and on 16 March was posted to the 59th MGC. On 4 April Hubert
reported sick and was admitted to hospital suffering from scabies. He rejoined his battalion on
16 April.