22 September 1896 - 8 June 1918
At School 1905 - 1914
Lieut 6th Leinster Regt attd Royal Air Force
THE HULMEIAN – July 1918
Old Hulmeians and the War
Lieutenant G W NEILL, MC., of the Leinster Regiment (attached Royal Air Force), was reported last month to have died as a result of an accident while flying in Egypt. Lieutenant Neill was the son of Mr J Neill, of James Neill & Sons, of Cumberland Street, Manchester. He won the Military Cross about twelve months ago for a scouting exploit in Macedonia. He obtained a commission in December, 1914. Lieutenant Neill served in the Dardanelles and throughout the Serbian retreat, and later in Palestine. He was then transferred to the Royal Air Force. He is still well remembered at School by many boys. He came in September, 1905, and left with a leaving scholarship for the University at Midsummer, 1914. He was senior prefect, and captain of lacrosse 1912-14, and cricket captain in 1914.
Manchester University Biography
Geoffrey William Neill
Lieutenant, M.C., Royal Air Force.
Died in a flying accident 8th June 1918, aged 21.
Buried at Ismailia War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.
Student of chemistry.
Geoffrey was born in 1896 at Marple to John Neill. He was educated at Hulme Grammar School and entered Manchester University in 1914 to study chemistry. During his short time at the University he was a member of the University Officer Training Corps. He was gazetted on 2nd December 1918 to 6th Battalion Leinster Regiment and served in Gallipoli, Serbia, and Palestine and gained a Military Cross. He transferred to the Royal Air Force as an aerial observer and was killed in an air collision in June 1918 at Abu-Souer, Egypt.