24 November 1889 - 7 January 1919
At School 1904 - 1905
2nd Lieut Royal Air Force
Albert was born in Manchester and in 1891 was living at 314 Stretford Road, Hulme, with father Charles, a Master Butcher,mother Mary and four elder sisters. By 1901 the family had moved to 17 Wellington Road, Whalley Range and two younger brothers and a sister had been added. In 1911 Albert was working as a retail butcher. On 1 September 1913 Albert married Dorothy May Parker at St Margaret's Church, Whalley Range and on 24 August 1914 daughter Florence Mary arrived. By 1917 they were living at 11 Rowan Avenue, Whalley Range.
Albert's service records survive and show he enlisted in the Royal Engineers Railway Troops on 29 March 1917, occupation listed as Master Butcher. He was posted to Longmoor Camp near Liss In Hampshire on 15 April 1917.

Longmoor Camp was the main training centre for the railway troops. In 1916 the allied armies had sent over troops with railway experience, and all existing troops with railway experience were taken out of existing lines, and formed into railway companies. Training for all gauges was carried out at Longmoor, and troops were sent out to the different war sectors after training. 16,623 troops were trained between 1914 and 1919. On 27 September Albert was awarded a 3rd Class Certificate of Education. On 19 February 1918 Albert was posted to Egypt, embarking from Southampton and arriving in Alexandria on 9 March. On 1 April 1918 Albert voluntarily transferred to the RAF and in June was graded Flight Cadet. He was based at No 16 Training Depot Station at Abu Sueir, near Ismailia and on graduation on 30 October, he was granted a temporary commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. He also appears to have attended an Artillery Observation School in December and on 5 January 1919 was transferred to a Flying Instructor School. Sadly, two days later, Albert was involved in a flying accident

and died of his injuries the same day having been
admitted to the 14th Australian General
Hospital at Abbassia on the outskirts of Cairo.
Albert was buried in the Cairo War Memorial
Administration of Albert's estate was granted in
Manchester on 3rd April to Dorothy May Elliott
Effects £431 10s.