26 January 1899 - 18 October 1918
At School 1911 - 1915
2nd Lieut 53 Squadron Royal Air Force
Malcolm was born in Didsbury, Manchester and, in 1901 aged 2, was living at 203 Burton Road, Didsbury with father George, a Manager to a Mineral Merchant and Drysalter, mother Clara and elder sisters Agnes, Agatha and Helen. By 1911 the family had moved to 118 Lansdowne Road, West Didsbury and George had his own business as a Chemical, Mineral and China Clay Merchant. Malcolm was now at School, representing Dalton House at Lacrosse and Cricket and on 3 December 1914 presenting a paper to The Scientific Society on the British Navy. On leaving School Malcolm joined the Thames and Mersey Insurance Company in King Street, Manchester as a trainee clerk.

Second Lieutenant M W WAKEMAN, R A F, died on October 18th of wounds received in an air engagement on October 2nd. He was at the School from September, 1911 to July, 1915, and, before joining the Air Force, was employed at the Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Company, Manchester.