10 March 1895 - 12 October 1917
At School 1903 - 1912
Lieut 10th Sherwood Foresters
THE HULMEIAN - December 1917
Lieutenant PERCY DORRINGTON, who was killed in action on October 12, aged 22, entered the School April, 1903, and left at midsummer 1912. He took a full share in all the life of the School, was captain of the Second Cricket Eleven, and a prefect of Heywood House. He was the best classical scholar the School has produced, as he showed in his career at the University. From a notice in the Manchester Guardian we quote as follows: “Lieutenant Percy Dorrington M A, was one of the most distinguished graduates in recent years in the University of Manchester. He obtained the Victoria Scholarship in his second year, and took his degree in First Class Hons. Classics in 1915, with the further distinction of a University Graduate Scholarship. He had been a member of the O T C during his undergraduate course, and from it obtained his commission, in 1915, in the Sherwood Foresters, and went to the front in the following year, where his battalion took part in the fighting on the Somme.
He will be long remembered by all who knew him at college, where his manly and genial temper won him the confidence and regard both of his teachers and companions. Among the students he took a leading part. The strength of his character was especially shown during the third year of his course, when he met the demands both of the third year of his honours reading and of his military training in the O T C, to which the outbreak of war had given a new meaning.”